Association for Art & Life Below Water
News of the Spanish Television Channel 24h, September 11, 2023
Plankton capture more Co2 from the atmosphere than all of the world’s forests combined.
PLANKTON MANIFESTO draws attention to the invisible, threatened underwater world. This movement fulfills an important task of the 17 UN Sustainability Goals, specifically in the context of Goal #14 called “Life below Water”.
International collaborations among artists, individuals and companies manifest artistic and intellectual exchanges in an artistic lab. PLANKTON MANIFESTO creates a myriad of unique possibilities to join forces with many different creatives connecting visual art, science, music, design, fashion and gastronomie.
For the purpose of giving the PLANKTON MANIFESTO a visible base, we are in the process of installing an artistic lab that creates sculptures out of in community activities collected plastic waste. The Lab is located on the island of Menorca in the Balearics (Spain), a UN recognized Biospheric Reserve. We are also commissioning research and documentation activities with the aim or making the beauty of plankton visible to the human eyes.